ADHD Treatment In Cardiff by Dr. Sanjeev Sharma

Posted by walespsychiatry 1 days ago (

Description: ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects children across the globe and continues even in adulthood. This behaviour is often observed in children with certain genetic conditions, learning disabilities, childbirth-related problems, or early life traumas. The children suffering from this disorder are perceived as ‘naughty’, and often face issues such as low self-esteem, poor relationships, bad academic performance etc. With the right help and treatment, one can get rid of this disorder. Medication and behavioural therapies are both used in the treatment of ADHD. To avail the benefits of ADHD treatment, visit Wales Psychiatry Centre.

Category: Health & Fitness

Tag: ADHD Treatment In Wales, ADHD Treatment In Cardiff, Advanced ADHD Treatment In Cardiff
